Gamification for Learning Design Intensive Certificate

There are no additional 2022 course dates scheduled at this time. To be informed of 2023 dates, go here

Register Early! Course size is limited.

Certificate Overview

Certificate Overview

This interactive virtual playshop certificate teaches you to apply the key concepts found in game design and behavioral psychology to talent development and employee engagement programs. You will explore how gamification mechanics impact learning, which mechanics are most valuable to you, and how to increase your applied competence through practical application of your knowledge.

You'll work on your own eLearning or instructor-led project throughout the course. Learn just what you need to add the proven Sententia Gamification Design Framework to your learning, talent management, and OD strategies to increase employee engagement, boost retention and application, and help change behaviors while offering an increase of meaning, mastery, and autonomy.

By the end of this certificate, you will draft OKRs (objectives and key results), design learner personas, create a prototype, playtest, assess best practices, and demonstrate applied competence in the application of gamification strategy design to a real-life talent development program. You will also receive unique and valuable job aids and see multiple examples so that you can hit the ground running at the end of the program.

Bonus Items:
You will receive a Travel Journal, Gamification Design Playbook, Game the System Treasure Map, and Game the System Strategy Design Cards.

Course Details

Pre-Certificate and/or Interim Assignments: There will one hour of interim assignments between each session.

You must have completed development or delivery of at least one instructor-led, e-learning, or blended training solution. No coding skills are required. 

Who Should Attend:
Those on the front-line of designing, developing, writing, and delivering adult education, corporate training, or HR compliance through instructor-led, e-learning, and blended methods.

Course Objectives

In this certificate course you will learn to:

  • Identify who will be playing your game (target audience), define your measurable business objectives and how gamification will help you to achieve your objectives
  • Use OKRs (objectives and key results) to write measurable business objectives and key results
  • Understand the basics of matching game mechanics to player motivators to trigger your players to act
  • Frame and wrap your quest in a spellbinding story to create a narrative thread that pulls through the entire course
  • Use the Story Board Starter Shortcut to create an epic adventure
  • Build the right mix of ingredients in your learning activities to allow the participants to acquire knowledge and skill, rather than merely receive and memorize information
  • Determine the game elements you will use (points, badges, leaderboards, etc.) and implement game mechanics to motivate your players
  • Create an overall design that appeals to different senses and tie everything back to the other levels of the learning map
  • Craft Learner Personas
  • Create a rapid paper prototype
  • Playtest for timing, engagement, and feedback

Course Materials

Every participant receives a Travel Journal and Gamification Design Playbook to help you design and organize your project. You’ll also receive an assortment of design templates and tools to use as you design and develop your gamification for learning projects such as:

  • Game the System Treasure Map
  • Game the System Strategy Design Cards
  • Totally Awesome Training Activity Guide – Put Gamification to Work for You eBook
  • OKR (objectives and key results) playing cards
  • Learner Persona Design Tool
  • Story Board Starter Shortcut
  • 101 Game Mechanics Starter List
  • Playtest Questionnaire Template
  • Action Plan
  • Digital Badges


This course is for learning professionals who want to create and deliver programs with impact. Whether you are a training manager, trainer, manager who trains, instructional designer, or HR professional, if you are interested in making sure what you design or facilitate is focused on what matters, that your participants are engaged throughout the process, and that when they leave they are able and willing to do what it takes to apply what they have learned and experienced back at work effectively, this program is for you. No coding skills are required.

Instructional Approach:

  • Live, online sessions with Gamification Master Craftsmen
  • Group discussions and chats
  • Videos, white papers, other ancillary tools.
  • Guild challenges
  • Individual project work for immediate application

Session 1

  • Identify the course objectives and outcomes
  • Review the structure of the blended course format
  • Meet the other students, instructors, and guide for your journey
  • Define what Gamification is and what it is not
  • Classify player types and the use of gamification mechanics to trigger actions
  • Define your measurable business objectives
  • Identify what you want your players to do
  • Calculate the metrics (OKrs - objectives and key results) you will use to measure these behaviors
  • Determine how Gamification will help you to achieve your objectives
  • Guild Challenge #1: Create a learner persona
Session 2
  • Explore resources to find characters that you can use to build your storyline
  • Craft a compelling storyline using the 7 elements of a story
  • Weave allegories to make the training stick
  • Craft a compelling storyline using basic elements of a story
  • Build relevant, challenging, and fun activities so participants want to engage
  • Strategically place learning activities in the overall sequence of events
  • Weave activities together in a master sequence for overall effectiveness and retention
  • Design activities to double-check that learning has occurred
  • Create the right mix of ingredients in your learning activities to allow the participants to acquire knowledge and skill, rather than merely receive information
  • Guild Challenge #2: Craft a simple narrative for your project
Session 3
  • Identify game elements you will use
  • Implement game mechanics to motivate your players
  • Mix the appropriate amount of competition, collaboration, group and individual quests, challenges, and achievements to earn points, badges, and other rewards
  • Give different kinds of feedback that will encourage the players continued action
  • Assess how to deploy your system
  • Guild Challenge #3: Create a paper prototype of your design
Session 4
  • Label the feelings and emotions you want your players to experience
  • Construct a consistent, attractive - even charming and captivating - cohesiveness that ties the entire project together
  • Create an overall design that appeals to different senses - touch, sight, and sound - using colors, designs, textures, and manipulatives
  • Tie everything back to the other four levels, especially the business objectives
 Monica Cornetti   Jonathan Peters


Monica Cornetti
President, Sententia Gamification and Gamemaster, GamiCon (the annual international conference for the Gamification of learning)
Monica Cornetti works with individuals and organizations who want to learn how to think differently to achieve uncommon results. A gamification speaker and designer, Monica has been repeatedly rated #1 among the “Gamification Gurus Power 100” by RISE since 2015, and this year was recognized as #1 in the Most Influential Women in Gamification who have created a legitimate impact in the gamification industry. Monica is also the author of the book Totally Awesome Training Activities Guide: Put Gamification to Work for You, and co-author of Deliberate Fun: A Purposeful Application of Game Mechanics to Learning Experiences.

Jonathan Peters
Chief Motivation Officer, Sententia Gamification
Jonathan has spent more than a decade studying the science and art of motivation and persuasion. As a speaker, he has helped audiences from Melbourne, Australia to Augusta, Maine more effectively communicate with their customers and team-members. With Sententia Gamification, he applies his knowledge and experience to make learning more enticing, engaging, and encouraging through gamification. He is the co-author of the book Deliberate Fun: A Purposeful Application of Game Mechanics to Learning Experiences. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Course Dates

Course Dates

Course is limited to 24 participants

COURSE DATES: There are no additional 2022 dates scheduled for this course. To be informed of 2023 course dates, go here,

Session 1:  Coming in 2023!
Session 2:  Coming in 2023!
Session 3:  Coming in 2023!
Session 4:  Coming in 2023!

Each session is 3 hours in length.

All sessions start at 1:00 pm Eastern Time (New York time). Here is the time of the sessions listed in various time zones:
10:00 am - 1:00 pm Pacific Time (PT)
11:00 am - 2:00 pm Mountain Time (MT)
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Central Time (CT)
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Eastern Time (ET)

For times in other cities, visit this link. All sessions are recorded. In order to earn your Certificate of Completion, you must log in for and participate in each live course and successfully complete any homework assignments by specified deadlines. Recordings of sessions are intended for review purposes only.

Course Rates

Course Rates

Early-Bird Registration 30+ days prior to course start date: $745

Registration within 30 days of course start date: $895

Train as a Team and Save!
For questions on group discounts please go here.

Course Equipment

Course Equipment

IMPORTANT - You'll participate in online and collaborative activities in a number of ways, each designed to provide a unique means to interact and learn from experts and colleagues. All course delivery software operates at Internet connection speeds of 56.6 kbps or better, on PC, Mac and Unix platforms. Programs will use teleconferencing or VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol.) The login instructions emailed to you approximately one week prior to the start of the course will outline platform use as well as any headset requirements or suggestions. Each registrant must provide their own laptop or desktop computer in order to fully participate in the course as mobile applications such as Zoom and Adobe Connect have limited feature functionality that may prohibit you from fully experiencing class activities. Please test your login information a minimum of 48 hours in advance on your course start date on the computer you will be using for the course.

What Others are Saying

What Others Are Saying

Hear what past attendees have to say about this and other Certificate Courses. Read the testimonials.  

ATD Initial Eligibility and Recertification

Training Magazine Certificates have been pre-approved by the ATD Certification Institute to offer educational programs that can be used towards initial eligibility and recertification of the Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) and Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD) credentials.  For questions on initial eligibility and recertification, visit this link

This program has been approved for a maximum of 12 points.

Certificate         eBadge

Certificate of Completion and eBadge

After successfully completing your certificate program, you will receive a professionally produced Certificate of Completion and an eBadge. eBadges are transforming how your hard-earned achievements are recognized, shared and rewarded. You can showcase eBadges in your email signature or on social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

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